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MessageSujet: Fiches de rp   Fiches de rp Icon_minitimeVen 29 Avr - 9:43


Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2012
Commentaires : tout va bien hein

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Fiche 1

Sa main exerçait une très légère pression sur son épaule.
Fait étonnant, Ambrose ne dégageait aucune odeur corporelle.

Il se retrouvait la, sur le parvis de l'école avec d'autres gamins tout aussi perdus que lui, également fraichement arrachés à leur famille. Il se fondait dans la masse avec ses vêtement unis et sobres. Un tee shirt gris a manches longues et un pantalon bleu dont il aimait la douceur du tissu. Sa frange de cheveux noirs tombant sur son visage extreme oriental il se sentait comme camouflé. Il bzissait les yeux, son regard butait sur les chaussures multicolores. Une fille avait la même paire de basket que sa soeur.

On parlait, on s'agitait, on avançait, mais lui, tout intimidé qu'il était, se contenter de serrer son ikupasuy dans la main droite, comme un talisman. La magie. C'était clair et vague a la fois. Clair parce que ce monsieur qui était venu le chercher savait de quoi il parlait en disant qu'il était doué pour. Parce que ce lieu en était apparement empli. Vague parce que c'était encore plein d'inconnues.

Papa l'avait pris a part quelque minutes pour lui expliquer qu'il était fier de lui. Qu'il était le digne héritier de sa grand mère. Qui elle faisait effectivement de la magie aussi. Le jeune japonais devinait qu'au travers des rites ainus il y avait bien plus que du théatre, il y'avait un sens et des forces a l'oeuvre.

Mais maintenant il était seul au milieu de tous. Ambrose les avait laisses en pature aux regards des ainés. Bienvenue, bienvenue, on disait. Mais Hideaki se sentait disséqué et analysé. Tout le monde semblait odorant, bruyant et bariolé.

Quelques pas en dehors du troupeau. La il avait un meilleur aperçu de la beauté des lieux. Il resta donc a contempler le mobilier, les murs et le plafond. Une fois que tout le monde se fut dilué dans l'espace il trouva un peu de courage pour participer au banquet. Il l'avait souvent remarqué, la discipline n'était pas la même en Irlande qu'au Japon, mais ici comme a Limerick, c'était lui qui aurait tort d'attendre autre chose de la part de ses camarades.

Restait un avide besoin de se mettre a l'aise. De manger, d'avoir une bonne discussion. Il prit donc place dans un lieu qui promettait l'accès a une belle pièce de poisson. Il avait eu un peu le temps d'apprendre a utiliser des couverts correctement aussi ne serait il pas une totale catastrophe a table mais il lui faudrait quand meme se focaliser un minimum sur la nourriture.

Dommage qu'autour de lui nombre de chaises étaient encore vides. Il semblait que beaucoup devaient se connaitre au prealable ou étaient moins impressionnés que lui ne l'était. Son approche sociale avait toujours davantage été plus celle du pécheur patient qui connait l'exact instant ou il faut remonter sa ligne que celle du chalutier qui ramasse tout ce qu'il trouve dans ses filets...

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MessageSujet: Re: Fiches de rp   Fiches de rp Icon_minitimeVen 29 Avr - 9:49


Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2012
Commentaires : tout va bien hein

Fiches de rp Empty
Fiche 2 :

'It was a rule in the Party in those times not to use one's real name, in order to reduce the chances of exposure. For instance, if someone working with me was arrested, and flogged into revealing my real name, the police would easily trace me. But the police never knew the real person hiding behind an assumed name, such as I had in the Party. Naturally, even the assumed names often had to be changed. Even before going to prison I had taken the name of Gligorijević, and of Zagorac, meaning the 'man from Zagorje'.''


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<div style="width:350px;height:auto;padding:20px;color:black; background-color:white;opacity:0.5;">'It was a rule in the Party in those times not to use one's real name, in order to reduce the chances of exposure. For instance, if someone working with me was arrested, and flogged into revealing my real name, the police would easily trace me. But the police never knew the real person hiding behind an assumed name, such as I had in the Party. Naturally, even the assumed names often had to be changed. Even before going to prison I had taken the name of Gligorijević, and of Zagorac, meaning the 'man from Zagorje'.''</div>
</td><td style="vertical-align:top" >
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MessageSujet: Re: Fiches de rp   Fiches de rp Icon_minitimeVen 29 Avr - 9:50


Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2012
Commentaires : tout va bien hein

Fiches de rp Empty
Fiche 3 :

The conflict began in January 1616 in Collio, where a garrison of Uskok and Segani supported the Austrian faction. After the Venetian faction gained the advantage in Mariano, they advanced to Gradisca d'Isonzo on 24 February 1616 and camped in Farra.

The Venetian Republic, powerful at sea, was master of the Adriatic; Austria had a small part of the coast of Trieste and Croatia which was blocked by Venice. Any vessel could pass this border without paying taxes or having a Venetian residence. In January 1616, Collio was guarded by Uskoks and Segnana in Vipulzano and San Martino di Quisco. A Venetian detachment remained in the field of Mariano. Romans and Medeans, camped near Farra, advanced on 24 February 1616 towards Gradisca. The siege lasted for twenty-nine days. The Venetian fleet crashed in Trieste, whose garrison was reinforced by Capt. Sebastian Zuech. With 1,000 cavalry and infantry, Benedict Lezze occupied the Venetian castle of San Servolo. Uskok troops led by Wolfang Frangipane, the Count of Tersato and vice-general of Croatia, arrived in Monfalcone on 26 November 1615 and plundered the town.[2]

The Venetian garrison was restricted to the fortress. On the Karst Plateau between Slovenia and Corgnale in present-day Piedimonte, 1,200 Croatian soldiers, 500 horsemen and 500 Uskoks faced 3,000 Venetians led by Lezze. Although the Duke of Savoy proposed an alliance, the Venetian Senate refused. The administrator of present-day Palmanova mobilized the militias of Savorgnan and Friuli, a total of 3,000 men. The raids began around the Habsburg Gradisca fortress. In the first phase of the war, action in Venice was characterized by mobile offensive forces and the element of surprise. The Archduke abandoned a number of cities (Cervignano, Aquileia, Castelporpetto, Maranutto, Mariano, Romans d'Isonzo, Cormons and Medea Sagrado), castles and villages to defend stronger positions. Repulsed, the Uskoks plundered the surrounding villages and the Venetian Loredan administrator received reinforcements to defend the south from their incursions. Parenzo and Rovigno sent artillery, and Pula sent food and weapons. The armies were concentrated in Sanvincenti, Istria.

 <center><div style="background-color:white; width : 700px; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #1d1c1c;-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #1d1c1c;-goog-ms-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #000000;box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #1d1c1c; border-bottom: 20px solid #4061ad;"><table><tr><td><div style="background:#4061ad url(http://strandhogg.fr/epicode/patterns/axiom-pattern.png); width : 200px;height:700px; padding:20px;color:silver;">The conflict began in January 1616 in Collio, where a garrison of Uskok and Segani supported the Austrian faction. After the Venetian faction gained the advantage in Mariano, they advanced to Gradisca d'Isonzo on 24 February 1616 and camped in Farra.</div></td><td><div style=" padding:20px;">
The Venetian Republic, powerful at sea, was master of the Adriatic; Austria had a small part of the coast of Trieste and Croatia which was blocked by Venice. Any vessel could pass this border without paying taxes or having a Venetian residence. In January 1616, Collio was guarded by Uskoks and Segnana in Vipulzano and San Martino di Quisco. A Venetian detachment remained in the field of Mariano. Romans and Medeans, camped near Farra, advanced on 24 February 1616 towards Gradisca. The siege lasted for twenty-nine days. The Venetian fleet crashed in Trieste, whose garrison was reinforced by Capt. Sebastian Zuech. With 1,000 cavalry and infantry, Benedict Lezze occupied the Venetian castle of San Servolo. Uskok troops led by Wolfang Frangipane, the Count of Tersato and vice-general of Croatia, arrived in Monfalcone on 26 November 1615 and plundered the town.[2]

The Venetian garrison was restricted to the fortress. On the Karst Plateau between Slovenia and Corgnale in present-day Piedimonte, 1,200 Croatian soldiers, 500 horsemen and 500 Uskoks faced 3,000 Venetians led by Lezze. Although the Duke of Savoy proposed an alliance, the Venetian Senate refused. The administrator of present-day Palmanova mobilized the militias of Savorgnan and Friuli, a total of 3,000 men. The raids began around the Habsburg Gradisca fortress. In the first phase of the war, action in Venice was characterized by mobile offensive forces and the element of surprise. The Archduke abandoned a number of cities (Cervignano, Aquileia, Castelporpetto, Maranutto, Mariano, Romans d'Isonzo, Cormons and Medea Sagrado), castles and villages to defend stronger positions. Repulsed, the Uskoks plundered the surrounding villages and the Venetian Loredan administrator received reinforcements to defend the south from their incursions. Parenzo and Rovigno sent artillery, and Pula sent food and weapons. The armies were concentrated in Sanvincenti, Istria.</div></td></tr></table></div></center>
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